Injuries and Past Simple
Injuries and Past Simple
Injuries and Past Simple
This is a B1 (intermediate) level worksheet about injuries and past simple which contains speaking, listening, writing, and reading elements. The worksheet will work well for any intermediate class that needs a refresher or some practice with past simple, but also is a great opportunity for them to learn some very useful vocabulary related to injuries.
The worksheet starts with some warm up questions, after which students must match pictures of common injuries (broken bones, scars etc) to the word.
Next, students will read about the basic rules of past simple statements. After the grammar explanation the students will read through four stories of injuries, everything from embarrassing injuries to unlucky injuries, and complete them using past simple verbs.
After that students will think about injuries they or someone they know has sustained and write the whole story of the injury down in past simple. Don’t let your students read these stories out immediately after they have finished, as the next exercise will involve these stories.
Next, students will read about the structure of questions in past simple, and then listen to the injury stories of their classmates and write down some questions about the stories, and then practice asking and answering them.
After this the students will play a game in which students have to create 3 statements about past injuries, two true and one is a lie. Students will then ask and answer questions to try to figure out which statement is a lie.
Finally, students will listen to an audio of a man talking about a particularly dumb accident he had when he was a teenager and answer questions about the audio.
The transcript for the audio can be found at the end of the Teacher’s Version (TV) worksheet.