English for the Lab

Tobin Ayres
Last Update June 20, 2024
0 already enrolled
English for the Lab


English for the Lab B1 SV.pdf
Size: 514.22 KB
English for the Lab B1 TV.pdf
Size: 527.17 KB
English for the Lab.mp3
Size: 3.30 MB
English for the Lab

This is a B1-B2 level worksheet for people who work in labs, or in other scientific roles. This worksheet contains speaking, reading, writing, and listening elements. The students will learn the names of some of the most common tools and equipment in a lab, and then read through and discuss the safety standards in various types of labs (labs that deal with electrical elements, labs that deal with chemicals, etc.)

Next, the students will read a statement from a lab technician who works in a lab which makes adhesives, and analyse how passive voice is often used to describe processes. The students will then write a short passage describing a process they carry out in a lab.

Finally, the students will listen to an audio recording of  a lab technician describing the process of separating DNA from cells.

This worksheet is specifically geared towards people who work in a lab environment, but could also be used with anyone who works in a scientific role.


The transcript for the audio can be found at the end of the Teacher’s Version (TV) of the worksheet.

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