Mental Illness

Tobin Ayres
Last Update December 27, 2023
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Mental Illness


Mental Illness SV C1.pdf
Size: 440.71 KB
Mental Illness TV C1.pdf
Size: 441.51 KB
Mental Illness

This C1-C2 video based worksheet looks at the subject of mental illness, and some of the vocabulary around it. The worksheet starts with a general discussion on the subject and then moves on to an exercise in which students must read through various behaviors and match them to a list of mental illnesses. The third page of the worksheet asks the students to watch a video called “What is Bi-Polar Disorder?” . The lesson ends with a homework task which asks the students to watch one of seven videos about various mental illnesses, and make a short presentation to the class in the next lesson about what they leaned. All the videos used in this worksheet are quite high level, but the lesson can be taught at a lower level (B2) if the final two pages are removed


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